I need to know what voltage is used by the 16 inch hub motor. When it was running on a trike that I no longer have, I think it was a 24v hub motor.
Can you confirm that it is a 24v hub motor or is there someway to determine what the voltage and wattage is?
If so, would you be able to sell me the appropriate controller for that hub motor?
MY SECOND MESSAGE slightly expanded:
I need to know what voltage is used by my 16″ hub motor.
Is there someway to determine what the voltage and wattage is? Also, is
that hub motor brushless and gearless?
Given that it is a Leafbike.com/Leafmotor.com hub motor, would you be
able to sell me the appropriate controller for that hub motor?
On your
16 inch 48V / 52V 1000W front scooter motor kit Item ID #LBCK16481000FNL page you show a controller for the 16 inch hub motor. What would be the
cost of the controller – the controller only? I do not want or need the
other parts.
Please tell me how to pay using VISA or PayPal. Kindly send me an invoice for 24V 250W electric bike motor controller, and I will pay with a VISA debit card.
I thought that I ordered a 24v controller for $112.00 which included a faster delivery, BUT when I tried to find the order on “My Account” I could not find it. Your “Live Chat” link would not work. If it had, I would have used it. Please advise regarding my order for the 24v controller.
Will you kindly tell me what color wires are wired to the thumb drive?
I am using a 24v front hub motor
I am so pleased you answered so promptly. However, I am having trouble understanding your description. Would it be possible to send my a drawing or diagram showing all the wires from the controller and where they are going?
All I need is the color of the wires going to the 16″ front hub motor, the battery, and most important, to the thumb throttle.
I am attaching and embedding modified photo from your website. I you could simply label the wire colors and return to me?