bike conversion kit torque performance in speed

A major scientific and technological achievements of my 18 years I found the bike conversion kit torque performance in speed and excellent performance is due to change by the coil – in order to prove the authenticity of my first published the theory – by reversing the DC coil motors, commutation is by phase AC motor. By changing the coil to the premise of achieving the rotating magnetic field in the rotating among each of the stator magnetic pole corresponding to the current conductor always flow in one direction. Can achieve zero speed to rated speed constant torque swing speed, and there is no torque ripple, inverter can be completely eliminated, the chopper will swing popular governor world. Installed on the synchronous motor synchronous brushless DC motor commutator can not be called, is distorting the facts and the scientific community, because it is the by-phase commutation – is the AC motor, it can never find the DC motor torque performance and speed performance .

Rotating magnetic field DC motor, asynchronous motor with a rotating armature of durability and torque performance,sensorless brushless hub motor in speed performance, the performance of the perfect electric bicycle conversion kit, speed DC transformer power does not produce harmonic pollution, Speed ​​costs are very low. It can be raw materials for manufacturing into a more limited market value of commodities, will become the next golden goose, the whole industry will lead to a motor revolution. Engaged in electrical research staff to look at my town scientific and technological achievements, we know that all this is true. Is good to explore the talents of entrepreneurs to create a powerful opportunity.

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