Q: I bought a hub motor few months ago. Display error 4 is your brushless controller LCD? And I have a problem in the moment, because I install it and when I start to move the quad appears all the display the error 04 and a symbol of a tool, I had seen at the forum what’s the error meaning, but I think it’s something different because it had full charged electric bike battery pack.
A: How long did you use this electric bike battery pack ?
Q: It’s new. I have used ones for test the hub motor. It start full at the display but 100 meter later appear the error, hold on, then when appears the error, 10 minutes later in the display appear again full the electric bike battery that I use is a 4 lead batteries of 12V 45 Ah
A: Is your electric bike battery is 48V? That’s correct. The issue is battery. Do you have volt meter?
Q: Yes. I can find one.
A: Ride this bike and use volt meter to test the voltage of electric bike battery. If the voltage will drop down. The problem comes from electric bike battery. If the voltage drop down to 42V, the error will appears. If you don’t ride, the will display appear full.
Q: I’m trying to start the hub motor without any load. It works for 6 hour more or less.
A: How many current does your electric bike battery can offer? 10A , 20A or larger. You should use volt meter to measure the voltage when you load this hub motor.
Q: I bought 4 batteries of 12 V 45 Ah
A: Sometimes new electric bike battery is in stock for a long time. Even if No use. Also can need this issue. If you don’t load our hub motor, is there no error display?
Q: No, if it start to work freely, it work for 6 hours. How I use the volt meter to measure the electric bike battery? Working the hub motor ?
A: Connect red, black wires of volt meter to the positive and negative when the engine works,
watch the voltage on volt meter.
Q: Let me prove it, so I have to connect the positive of the battery to the positive of the engine and as well to the positive of the volt meter, and the same thing whit the negative ones, then star to work the quad watching the volt meter and if the voltage goes down the issue is in the battery.
A: Connect wires as before. Just add two wires from voltage meter. Red wire of voltage meter is connected to the positive of battery. The black wire is connected to the negative of battery. Make sure it on the VDC voltage position (=200VDC or ..)
Q: How volts it has to show to work properly? More than 48V ?
A: 42-60V
Q: Ok, so if the battery is full it has to show around 60V?
A: No, that depends on what type of battery. If LiMn2o4 is about 54V, LiFepo4 is about 58V. Lead acid is about 54V. When you test, the voltage will drop down. This electric bike battery is not good.
Q: I let you know if something different happen.