Q:I bought DIY electric bike kit unit and a lithium electric bike battery and installed on my bike a couple of weeks ago since I had gotten one of the a couple of days ago and I wanted to use my bike as soon as possible. I have driven the bike for a while without an issue. However, after 2~3 charges, the battery does not get charged anymore. When I plug the charger to the battery, I noticed that the charger LED still remains green. When it charged, it turned to red before. Would you please guide me how to resolve this issue?
A:The LED on your charger turn green quickly or can’t change color,it just means your electric bike battery doesn’t need to be charged.
Could you use a volt-meter to measure the voltage of your battery?How is the voltage?
Q:I measured electric bike battery:DC Voltage 30V.
This is what happened:
I fully charged the electric bike battery over night and went to work on bike next day.
On my return to home, when pushing down thumb throttle all the way down,hub motor was running for one second and down for two seconds and repeat. So I thought the electric bike battery was low.
A:If the voltage of your electric bike battery is 30V that means your BMS inside your battery have been protected.
You should take off all load,for example:headlights,led throttle,horn etc.Then the battery will return normal.
Could you disconnect all wires from your battery,then measure the voltage of battery again?
Q:Actually I measured 30V directly from the electric bike battery outlet. So there was no load when I measured it.
Is there anything I should check?I checked the output of the charger and confirmed that electric bike battery has output of 40V.
So upon plug it into battery, if I still have green LED, then there is a open circuit in the battery?
Is there anyway I can check this electric bike battery at the charging inlet or power outlet without opening the battery package?