How to make hub motor reverse

Q:Received my DIY e-bike kit,18″ front wheel 48V 1000W hub motor with brushless motor controller,done installed on tricycle,test system,load 300pl on motor that still had enough power.
But one issue:I want to make tricycle reverse,help…

A:Please find a 2-pin connector(purple and black wires) from controller and jump these two wires,also can use a ON/OFF switch to control it.

BTW,connect wires according as below connecting.Make a sample:
Motor ——– Controller
Thick yellow wire ——– Thick yellow wire
Thick green wire ——– Thick green wire
Thick blue wire ——– Thick blue wire

Motor hall ——– Controller hall
Thin yellow wire ——– Thin yellow wire
Thin green wire ——– Thin green wire
Thin blue wire ——– Thin blue wire
Thin red wire ——– Thin red wire
Thin black wire ——– Thin black wire

Exchange thick yellow and green wires and thin green and blue wires can make system backward.
Motor ——– Controller
Thick yellow wire ——- Thick green wire
Thick green wire ——- Thick yellow wire
Thick blue wire ——– Thick blue wire

Motor hall ——– Controller hall
Thin yellow wire ——– Thin yellow wire
Thin green wire ——– Thin blue wire
Thin blue wire ——– Thin green wire
Thin red wire ——– Thin red wire
Thin black wire ——– Thin black wire

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