looking an electric bike controller for 48V 1000W hub motor

I am using a brushless and gearless DC hub motor that is 48V 1000W. I am looking for a suitable bike motor controller for my project.

I want to implement regen braking, cruise, reverse, setting a speed limit etc.
Will this 48V 500W controller works for this 1000W motor?

I am quite hesitant to choose the 48V 1000W brushless motor controller displayed in the web here as I am afraid that the high power may drain too much power from the battery.

I am using a 48V 10Ah battery. It should be sufficient to power the 1000W BLDC hub motor but to power both the motor and controller, it may overstrain the battery.

Can you confirm that your brushless motor controller can set max speed limit, regen brake, reverse and cruise control?
Basically, I just need to buy the three button switch and every of the button can be used to perform on/off operation such as horn, lights, cruise, regen brake etc right?
What is the default max speed limit in the brushless motor controller? Do you change and set the max speed from the LCD display, controller or both? After I set the max speed and I do not want the max speed to be change, is it possible?
The hub motor can still work with the brushless motor controller, even with or without the LCD screen right?

Do you have a similar brushless and gearless hub motor like the one that is:

1) 14″ inch – 16″ inch (including solid rubber tyre)
2) Power is at least 750 W to 1000W max
3) Can implement regen brake, cruise, reverse, set max speed limit

If you have, can I have some details for these hub motors? I need them work with LCD brushless motor controller.

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