Question about 16 inch electric hub motor kit

Q:I thank you very much for UPS tracking number. The parcel should be delivered to me these days. Perfect.

Anyhow – I have one question regarding capable Li-Ion-battery pack for “16 inch, 36 V, 250 W front hub motorelectric bike kit, Item No. LBCK1636250F” which you shipped to me.
I have already one Li Ion-Battery pack; 36 V, 504 W, 14 Ah. Is that Li-Ion-Battery pack suitable for using with E-Motor I ordered from you?

A: Just connect your battery to our controller, it works.

Q: You shipped to me in Oct. 2018 “16 inch, 36 V, 250 W front hub motor-electric bike kit, Item No. LBCK1636250F”.
Today first, after buy of kick bike scooter (not pedelec), I install complete kit on my kick bike scooter and it works not. Display works normally (battery indicator full) but it is no E-Motor Watt-indication and no E-Motor reaction after switch on gas-accelerator (speed adjustment not 0 but 1 till 5).
After check of all delivered Parts from your Company and received Datasheet, I discovered some discrepancies:

1. Which voltage has E-Hub Motor, 36 V or 24 V ? (See attachment Page 2/6 and Page 3/6 as well as Page 4/6 with Photo1)
Remark: Delivered E-Motor has no technical dates described on the motor alone.
2. “Cruise button (red/green as shown on the Page 4/6 its other one; See Photo 2)
3. Delivered controller has another dimension as shown on page 4/6; See Photo 3)
4. Which are correct installations codes to be installed for P1 till P5 and C1 till C14?

Awaiting your response asap of the above questions and your statement above delivered kit. Thanks in advance.

A: controller works with 36v battery (min 30v to max 42v)

Please check if there is “-O-“ on the middle/ top of screen.. If have, the system is braking… please disconnect brake lever’s plug or make brake lever’s ring be back. Then motor works.

Please check the blue wire of three button switch if cut off. If cut off blue wire, that’s okay.. If no blue wire cut off, must push the yellow button the other side, motor works. (The yellow button on your picture that works backward status. This motor Not support backward status. So not work)

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