sensorless brushless hub motor power grid conditions

sensorless brushless hub motor power grid conditions

Empty factory electronic control system of a power station from the higher blood pressure, voltage 6kV, step-down station outlet side of the maximum and minimum short-circuit capacity: Smax = 230MVA, Smin = 130MVA; Buck branch voltage power distribution station to empty rooms distance 400m, 185mm2 copper power cables from the two parallel transmission, converted to an empty factory 6kV cable into the line at the maximum and minimum short-circuit capacity:

Sbsmax = Sj / (Sj / Smax + XL) = 212.31 MVA
Sbsmin = Sj / (Sj / Smin + XL) = 123.46 MVA

Where Sj-base capacity, take 100MVA
XL-cable reactance per unit, XL = 0.041 Ω

Therefore, the empty factory 6kVA bus minimum and maximum capacity: Sbsmax = 212.31MVA, Sbsmin = 123.46 MVA; empty factory 6kVA single bus segment bus is running, 3700kW motor connected to the higher level bus segment Ⅰ, Ⅰ pre-bus segment connected load reactive power: Qx = 2.10MVA.

sensorless brushless bike motor of the main technical data

The ASU uses Shenyang Blower Factory production turbine air compressor, the drive motor for the Shanghai Motor Factory production T3700-4/1430 large high-voltage synchronous motor.

Motor parameters: Rated power: 3700kW; Rated voltage: 6kV; Rated current: 408A; Rated capacity: 4235kVA; starting current multiple of: 6 times; power factor: cosΦ = 0.9; Frequency: 50Hz; speed: 1500r/min; motor starting torque moments of relative value: 1.8; static resistance torque relative value units: 0.3; synchronous motor pull-in torque relative value: 1.18; flywheel torque: 385kg.m2; maximum allowable motor starting time: 40s; motor allows the number of consecutive starts: 2 times.

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