Tag Archives: 1500w hub motor

question of 1500w front hub motor

First question: do you already have 1500W front hub motor for disk brake?
What is dropout width? If still no front disk brake version, please find order below.

We need 20 of these torque plates in our order.
Please send us:
1. part number of torque plate
2. dimensions/drawing of torque plate (thickness, length, hole shape,…)
3. cost of torque plate
I will adjust purchase order with this information.
Also, I requested side cover painted black.

We can make one kind of 1500w front hub motor with disk. (Have all motor parts in stock)
It’s nearly the same to below picture and drawing.(The cable comes from shaft end.. But ONLY max use 2mm high temp phase wires)2mm high temp phase wires is also fit for 1500W.

First question: we don’t have 1500w front hub motor for disk.. ( The reason is 1500w is thick, even use disk brake cover, still no room to install disk on it for 100mm dropout.What’s the dropout of your fork?

Dropout is 100mm. For future production, we can increase dropout width:
– this order we will do without disk brake

We found we can’t supply all black color cover in short time.
The reason is:
* This 1500w front motor use 3mm phase wire
* cable should comes center of shaft (Not from shaft end, if shaft end,max use 2mm)
* So must use that kind of black with silver cover.(last sample)
* we have this black with silver cover in stock. (last sample)
* If re-paint this black with silver cover be all black,may not good look.
* If re-make six cover should wait long time until used out this black with silver cover.

Re-paint black is faster.

Please repaint black with silver cover to full black (black with silver is not acceptable for European customer). What is additional lead time for painting of stock covers?For next year, we can discuss proper solution with on time ordering.Also, can you please look into my questions about CAD?For this development, please send us CAD design (STEP file) of 1500W motor with

– 3mm phase cable in between dropouts
– 34mm wide body
– new shaft (14 or 16mm?)
– final drop out width (110mm? 115mm?)

Please keep order as before:
– black side covers
– no disk brake

We will do disk brake as a separate development with:
– new fork design
– proper disk caliper integration
– 3mm wire inside drop out
– torque arm integration into fork
– 3mm phase cable in between dropouts
– 34mm wide body
– new shaft (14 or 16mm?)
– final drop out width (110mm? 115mm?)

question about 1500W rear spoke hub motor – electric bike motor – Spline Cassette

Hi I am interested in 48V / 52V 1500W rear spoke hub motor – electric bike motor – Spline Cassette.Please can you tell me if this is the fastest 1500 you sell.I would like this in a 26 inch MTX rim if possible.
I require high speed over torque as I am not a heavy rider. This must be laced to a very high standard and run true.
Will this take a 9 speed cassette. Can you declare low value so I get no customs charge
I want thus shipping to UK as soon as possible.

Please can you use the temp sensor that is compatible with the cycle analyst v3
When will this item ship and how long to reach UK.
I am ready to make the order please tell me how to make the order.

We don’t have the cycle analyst v3 
So we are not sure.
We have two kinds of temp sensor
KTY 84 -130
NTC -10K
Many of our customers use KTY 84-130 or NTC-10K to compatible with the cycle analyst v3
This motor takes about 1-2 days to make.
It takes about 7-10 days to ship. (Because of Covid-19, the shipping cost is expensive,but slow)
Click that Item, Check out, check out.. then write your shipping address..check out.. can done payment.
Please leave message: what kind of Temp.

Hi please can you tell me the size of the nut on the cassette side of axel
I know it is 12mm but what is the pitch of the threads.
Please help as I don’t feel safe with the small thin nut you included

1500w rear hub motor with bike rim

Q: I’m looking for a powerful direct drive rear hub motor for a 26″ MTB.
I’ve been looking at this motor:
1.Is this the best 26″ rear hub motor you have or do you recommend any other bike motor?
2.Can this hub motor be delivered with a temp sensor installed?
3.What type of gear cassette will it be able to fit with a 135mm dropout? (How many gears)
4.Can this bike motor run higher than 48 Volts? 52 Volt maybe? Or 72 Volt?

A: 1. We have 26 inch 48V 1500W rear hub motor. We recommend this one
2. With temp
3. Max 7 speed and fit for 135mm dropout. Default for screw on sprocket.(If you need to install cassette sprocket, should leave message when you order.
4. We recommend work at 48V battery.(Max 60V)

Q:Can this same rear hub motor also be delivered with a 27.5″ x 50mm tubeless rim?
I will install a 7-speed cassette sprocket, so very good that it supports this.

A: 27.5” and 26 inch are different rim.
If 27.5” rim is smaller than 700c and larger than 26 inch rim?
* If you need to install your 7-speed cassette sprocket. Please Note when you order.

Q: I want to use the newest 1500w hub motor in this bike:
If you press the green + (View all components) on the page you can see that it has 27.5 INCH x 50mm, tubeless ready rims and 142x12mm (Ai offset lacing) rear drop out.

So I’m wondering if you can deliver the hub motor with a rim that’s the same dimensions as the original rim?

A: We have some sample of 27.5 inch rim in stock. Looks the same to the one on your site.
We only ship two 27.5 inch hub motor kits to USA one time two month ago.(ONLY one customer need this 27.5 inch by now)
This 27.5 rim is smaller than 700c and larger than 26 inch.

Q: This sounds good. Thank you for even taking pictures.
How wide is the 27.5″ rim you have? (How many millimeters)

1500w hub motor rpm

I have done a little more testing with the 1500w hub motor. I think that I am
happy with the current winding. I am giving the motor 65A battery, 180
amps phase.. and it is like a rocket now.
The efficiency is very good.. the most efficient hub motor I have
tested.. good work!

But I want to be sure about the winding for my post about your 48V 1500W bike motor,
because your webpage shows lots of different RPM for the same motor (
this is confusing )..

If someone orders the hub motor from your website.. they will receive a 16*4
turn motor, which is 650rpm @ 49v = 13.26 kV
And the 13*5 turn motor would do 550rpm @ 49v = 11.2 kV
Is this correct…?

P.S. If you are interested in having a hub motor re-seller.. I told someone
in the USA about your hub motors and told him about my tests.

I got the hub motor and have tested it. It’s a great hub motor, but the winding is too fast for a 26 inch,650B,700C,28 inch,29 inch hub motor wheel.It’s better for 14 inch,16 inch,18 inch,20 inch,24 inch bike motor wheel.

The no load speed on the hub motor I received = 640rpm on 49v.

I notice on your web page that you sell stator windings.. I was wondering
how many turns this hub motor has.

Is it possible that you could sell me a stator winding with one more turn that could do 500-550rpm on 49v?

16 * 4T 650RPM
13 * 5T 550RPM
11 * 6T 450RPM
9 * 7T 350RPM
8 * 8T 250RPM
7 * 9T 150RPM

48V,1000W, 1500W rear hub motor for 20 inch or 24, 26, 27.5, 700c 28, 29inch

Do you have a more detailed drawing for dimensions of the 48V 1000W,1500W rear hub motor? I am particularly interested in the dimension I marked “A” so I can be sure the brake rotor disc will fit correctly.

The drawing from your web site shows the left side of the hub motor on the right side of the drawing. Also, in the video the hub motor is installed backwards and the rear derailleur is just hanging off the bike on the cable. Very confusing, but eventually I understood that the person who installed your hub motor on the bike put the motor in backwards, with the wire coming out the right side even though your specifications say the wire comes out the left side.

I suggest that you make all of your drawings, pictures, and video consistent left to right, because they are presently mixed up.

Here is an example of a drawing that is correct left versus right and has all the dimensions a bicycle builder needs to be confident the motor will fit the bicycle.

If I order with a free hub to use a cassette is the free hub body replaceable?

Does it look something like this?

Do you have a part number or a link for the replacement free hub and cassette for that motor?

Thank you very much for all the information, I really like this hub motor but I need to make sure it will fit and work well for my bike.